Can Act Talk to Other Software Programs?

by | Sep 30, 2021 | ACT CRM Software Tips and Tricks

Act API and Zapier: communicating with other software

In the past, one of the shortcomings of act software is that it could not easily communicate with other software programs. That is changing. Rapidly.  I want to stay right up front that I am not a software programmer.

Having stated that, my impression is that it is easier to work with a tool that is web-based, such as Act Premium Cloud, in regards to helping it communicate with other software programs. You might not think of websites as being software programs, but many of them are. Using an API, which is short for application program interface, and a tool called Zapier, Act Premium Cloud can be programmed to communicate with other software.

Confused? Yeah, me too.

Many of you have websites for your business, and many of those websites are built with a tool called WordPress. What if some of the tools that are built into your website could communicate with act? Let me give you an example: when someone fills out a web form on your website with their contact information, wouldn’t it be great if that information could be imported directly into act? Now it can be done.  Act Premium Cloud can synchronize with act on your desktop. Therefore, when that information is imported into act via the web, it can then be synchronized directly into act on your desktop. If you prefer to work with act purely on the web, that is fine as well.

I spoke to Greg Knapp this morning and asked him if I could use a video that his son Marshall produced about this matter. He obliged. Greg and Marshall are Act Certified Consultants in Michigan. Their company is Aspen Tech Consulting Group, Inc. If you have questions, you can reach out to me or Greg at 866–880–4228.

Thanks Greg and Marshall
Greg Knapp
Marshall Knapp

API for Act! v18 Premium Web Demo|Published on Mar 28, 2016