ACT CRM Software and Small Business Security Challenges
Small businesses are confronted with organizational issues as their business grows. Maybe they’ve hired new sales staff and/or employees and they need them to be able to access act. What are their options? How do you make sure your data is safe in the office and on the web? Most of my clients are small businesses that don’t have a great deal of time on their hands. In other words, they cannot take the time to become act administrators and database managers.
Having stated that, it is still important to understand that act is powerful enough to be flexible and secure your with your data. In this day and age, that’s important. Below is some much more detailed information about act and security levels. Reach out to me if you have questions.
Question: What are the different security levels and their associated permissions available in Act!? Security Roles in Act! There are 3 different types of Security in Act!: Database Level, User Level and Record Level security.
Database Level Security:
Database Level Security is designed to only allow users with login access to open the database. Users must validate their login information through a currently active user name and password. Users can exist in the database but might be marked as Inactive, which would prevent them from opening the database. This also prevents users who are not members of the database from viewing the data, as they will not have a user name and password.
Single user databases do not require the user to log in. However, adding a password to the single user will then require the user to enter their user name and password when opening the database. Multi-user databases will always require each user to log in with their individual login information.
User Names:
By default, user names will match the Contact field of the ‘My Record’. User names are not case sensitive.User names can be changed by Administrator level users only.Passwords:
Passwords are not required and unless there are security reasons for using a password, it is recommended that a password not be created. When creating a user, or when changing the password on an existing user, the password field can be left blank. When a password is blank, typing anything into the password field will produce an Invalid user name or password error when logging into the database.
For more information on Managing Users, please refer to the following Knowledge Base document:
User Level Security:
There are 5 different User Security Levels in Act!. Each of the 5 levels have different access rights which are described below:
Administrator – The Administrator Security Role is designed for users who need to have access to all sections of the program. When a database is created, the first user is always an Administrator (this can be modified at a later time). Administrator is the highest level of access and is reserved for those users that are responsible for database maintenance, backup, restore and other general database management. The only information the Administrator does not have direct access to is the private data of other users. Administrators do have the ability to change the passwords of other users.
Manager – The Manager Security Role grants access to all primary functions within the program. Manager users have nearly the same access as the Administrator but are limited in some of the database management and maintenance tools. Managers have access to all things the Administrator does, EXCEPT for the following: Manage Users, Delete Database, Database Maintenance, Restore Database, Administer Custom Tables, or View/Archive Logs.
Standard – The Standard Security Role is designed for users who only create, and modify their own records, companies, and groups. Standard users do not need to manage the contacts of other users. Standard users can delete records only if they are the Record Manager. Standard users will also have the ability to modify menus, toolbars, reports, and word templates but will not be able to add fields or modify the layout. In addition, Standard users are not able to setup synchronization.
Restricted – Restricted users have very limited access to the database. A user with the Security Role of Restricted will be able to add contacts, create activities, and create Sales opportunities. Restricted users also have the ability to create Activity series, and run Reports. However, a restricted user cannot add companies or groups and cannot delete data even if they are the owner. Furthermore, restricted users are not allowed to modify any portion of the database, including menus, tool bars, and layouts. Restricted users will still have access to E-mail and Fax features.
Browse – Browse users have the most limitations. Browse users are only able to view database information and cannot modify this information in any way. However, a user with the Security Role of Browse will still have access to Reports and Word Processing functions. All other functions are disabled for Browse users.
Note: Restricted, or Browse users may not initiate a Synchronization.
Additionally, custom permissions may be granted by the Administrator to Manager and Standard users to allow them to perform additional tasks within Act!. These custom permissions are:
- Accounting link tasks – Allows the user to install and use an Accounting/back-office link.
- Handheld device sync – Allows the user to synchronize Act! with handheld devices.
- Remote administration – Allows the user to back up, restore, and check and repair a remote database they belong to.
- Manage Sync Subscription List (ACT! by Sage 2009 and higher) – Lets a remote database user add and remove contacts from their sync set
- Export to Excel® – Allows the user to export data in a list view to Excel. (Premium versions only)
- Delete records – Allows the user to delete contacts, companies, groups, activity series, notes, histories, opportunities, and secondary contacts the user owns. (Premium versions only)
- Emarketing Web to Lead – Allows a standard user to use Web Leads as if they were an Administrator
- Emarketing Administration – Allows a standard User to administrate and use Act! emarketing as if they were an Administrator
These permissions are set in the Manage Users – Add Permissions dialog box:
Additional Permissions for Manager and Standard User Roles
The following charts show specifically what features that each different Security Role has access to:
Record Level Security:
Record level security controls access to records in the Act! database. The record manager has the ability to mark records as Private and therefore make these records unavailable to other users. Private data is only visible to the owner. Even users with an administrator role cannot view private data.
Contacts are unique, they have three security options: Public, Private and Limited Access.
- Public – Public contacts can be seen by all users.
- Private – Private Contacts can only be seen by the Record Manager assigned to that contact record. Administrators do not have the ability to view another users private contacts. A private contact will, by default, have private notes, histories, activities, and opportunities. A User’s ‘My Record’ cannot be made private, but may contain private notes, histories, activities, and opportunities.
- Limited Access – Limited access allows the record manager to identify certain users/teams and give access to these Contacts. When a user is removed from the Limited Access list, the user will continue to have open activities and opportunities with that contact. However, when they clear that activity or change the opportunity in a way to generate a history, they will be notified that they are creating a history for a contact they no longer can access. Once a user is removed from the ACL (Access Control List), they cannot create new activities or opportunities with that Contact.Note: Limited Access is only available in Act! Premium.
For additional information on configuring Access Controls for users, refer to the following Knowledge Base Answer:
Title: How To Set Access Controls for Users in Act!
Answer ID: 15228
Notes, Histories, and Opportunities:
If a user has access to a contact; notes, histories, and opportunities can be created and designated as private. Private items/records are not viewable by other users in the database, even if the other users can view the contact record. When a contact is deleted, all notes, histories, and opportunities are deleted, even if they are private.
Act! users will have the ability to view the details of another user’s calendar unless the other user’s activity is private. In this case, the calendar will reflect Busy time for this user, with no reference to any activity details. If an activity is public, but the contact is private, the activity will display but the contact name will not. You cannot add an activity to another user’s calendar, unless you have been given delegate permission’s to do so. By default, all administrator users will have edit permission. Any user involved in the activity can modify the alarm settings, priority and activity color. However, unless you are a delegate or an organizer for an activity, you cannot modify any other property of the activity.
Groups and Companies:
Standard, Manager, and Administrators can create companies and groups. By default, the creator of the company or group is the Record Manager. The Record Manager can make the group private to other users. Making a company or group private, does not make the contacts and other entities of that company or group private.
Reassigning records:
An administrator or manager can reassign ownership of non-private contacts, activities, opportunities, groups, and companies from one user to another user. Items that cannot be reassigned are Activity series, and History records. Historical fields, such as “Created By” will be unaffected by reassignment. An administrator or manager can reassign records to any user in the database with the exception of Browse users. Records can be reassigned to a user that is not on a contact’s Access Control List (ACL). If the designated user is not on the contact’s ACL, a notification will be displayed telling the administrator or manager that the user does not have access to that contact. However, the administrator or manager can still reassign the contact to that user.
Mass Reassigning:
Reassignment can be done on a per record basis (per activity, opportunity, etc) or on a per user basis where every record associated with one user may be reassigned to another user. When a record is reassigned, the designated user becomes the record manager of that item.
Mandatory Reassignment:
In the case of mandatory reassignment (deleting a user from the database), private records will be deleted from the database.
User Preferences (under the Tools menu)
Administrator and Manager level users have access to all options under Preferences.
Standard and Restricted users do not have access to following Preference options:
- Allow history editing (General)
- Allow notes editing (General)
- Names Preferences (General)
- Duplicate Checking options (General)
- Company Preferences (Startup)
- Automatically check for updates (Startup)
Browse users do not have access to the following Preference options in addition to the ones listed for Standard and Restricted:
- Salutation preferences (General)
- Dialer preferences (Communication)