Template Phrases Demo 1-2021

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introducing Template Phrases for ACT Software Clients

Tony Holowitz recommends one of his favorite tools for ACT software clients: Template Phrases for Microsoft Outlook. Here’s a comprehensive look at how it functions and why it’s a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their email process.

The Importance of Email Templates

  • Quick Response: Enables you to reply to emails quickly with predefined templates.
  • Repeated Use: Save time by creating templates for emails you send frequently.
  • Customization: Templates can be personalized for various situations.

Introducing Template Phrases by AbleBits

Website: ablebits.com

What it Does: Allows you to create email templates that include both subject lines and body text, improving efficiency and consistency.

Creating a New Template
  1. Click on New Email: Opens up an email window as usual.
  2. Access AbleBits Tool: Find the tool on the right-hand side.
  3. Create a New Template: Click on the plus sign to create a new template.
  4. Name the Template: Use keywords related to the template for easy searching.
  5. Compose the Email: Write the body of the email and any necessary greetings.
  6. Save the Template: Click “save” once the template is complete.
Enhancing the Template with Macros
  • Fill Subject: Puts the subject at the very top.
  • Insert Hyperlinks: Allows you to add clickable links within the template.
  • Stylize Text: Change the font, color, add bullet points, etc.
  • Attach Files: Automatically attach specific documents like PDFs.
  • Include Blind Carbon Copy (BCC): For sending a copy to yourself or others.
Pricing and Subscription Model
Subscription Type Cost
One-Time Charge Approximately $50
Monthly $3 or $4 per month

Conclusion: A Time-Saving Tool

The Template Phrases tool by AbleBits is a versatile, easy-to-use add-on that saves a great deal of time, especially if you frequently send similar emails. With a focus on generic, reusable content, it’s a great investment that allows for plenty of customization.

Tony Holowitz highly recommends this tool, emphasizing its ease of use, functionality, and value for the price. With the recent switch to a subscription model, it remains an affordable option for enhancing productivity in email marketing and communication.

Be well and have a great day!