My Act Sales Training: Never Let an Important Contact Slip Through the Cracks

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this segment of Tony Holowitz’s ACT training, he provides insights into the thought process he employs when working with new clients and conducting ACT training consulting. Tony emphasizes the importance of understanding clients’ workflows, organizational habits, and their specific use of the ACT software. By considering these factors, he aims to create a solid foundation for effective contact management and ensuring no important contact ever slips through the cracks.

  1. Initial Client Assessment:
  • Tony begins by explaining how he conducts an initial assessment when working with new clients. This assessment involves analyzing the ACT layout, whether it has been customized, and how effectively it supports the client’s workflow.
  1. Gathering Key Information:
  • During the assessment, Tony gathers essential information about the client’s ACT usage, such as the number of contacts, ACT version, the number of users, and the duration of their ACT usage.
  1. Evaluating Organizational Habits:
  • Tony emphasizes that software alone cannot solve organizational issues. He evaluates whether clients are organized and structured in their daily routines before determining the software’s impact on their productivity.
  1. Analyzing Key Fields and System Fields:
  • Tony discusses the importance of the ID status field and system fields within ACT. He observes how clients use these fields and whether they understand their potential impact on future contact management.
  1. Email Management:
  • Tony highlights the significance of effective email management and whether clients use ACT’s note and history features or integrate with Microsoft Outlook for email communication.
  1. Backup and Data Management:
  • Tony inquires about the client’s backup practices and how they ensure data security and reliability in ACT.
  1. Business Goals and Game Plan:
  • Tony delves into understanding the client’s business goals and the tasks they perform regularly. He aims to develop a game plan that aligns with their objectives.
  1. Preventing Contacts from Slipping Through the Cracks:
  • Tony’s ultimate goal is to ensure that no client or prospect is forgotten or overlooked. He seeks to implement a roadmap and game plan to manage contacts efficiently and avoid any potential oversight.

Conclusion: In this ACT training segment, Tony Holowitz highlights the importance of understanding clients’ workflows, organizational habits, and their specific use of ACT. By conducting a comprehensive assessment and taking into account clients’ business goals, Tony aims to create a tailored roadmap for effective contact management. His ultimate objective is to help clients prevent any important contact from slipping through the cracks and ensure they stay on top of their relationships with prospects and clients. Thank you for joining this training session, and remember to stay vigilant with your ACT contact management to achieve optimal results. Have a great day!