Importing Excel CSV Data Into Act Premium Cloud

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Tony Holowitz is here to guide you through the process of importing Microsoft Excel or CSV files into Act CRM Classic. This valuable skill can save you time and effort when managing data. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Finding Your Data File

Before you begin, make sure you know where your data file is located on your computer. In this example, Tony’s data file is on the desktop.

Importing Excel or CSV File into Act CRM Classic

Follow these steps to import your Excel or CSV data:

1. Navigate to the Import Tool

  • Click on “Tools.”
  • Select “Import.”

2. Locate Your File

  • Click on “Browse.”
  • Navigate to the location of your data file (e.g., the desktop of your computer).
  • Find your file and click “Open.”

3. Choose the Type of Import

  • Select “Typical” or “Custom” import. For this example, Tony uses “Custom” to show a more detailed process.
  • Choose whether to import the first record (usually field headings). In this case, Tony chooses not to.

4. Review Data Mapping

  • Check the data to make sure it’s matching correctly.
  • Assume the fields are mapping properly or make adjustments as needed.

5. Determine Record Handling

  • Choose how you want to handle records if they’re the same (e.g., “Do Not Change”).
  • Note: The accuracy and specifics of the data are not the focus of this example.

6. Initiate the Import

  • Click “Next.”
  • Click “Import” to import your contacts into Act CRM Classic.

Preparing for Import: Tips and Considerations

Importing data requires some preparation to ensure accuracy and proper alignment. Here are some tips:

  • Clean Your Data First: Make sure your data is good, clean, and set up properly before attempting the import.
  • Understand Your Data: Focus on understanding how the data is set up and ensure everything is accurate in the file.
  • Take Your Time: Importing takes practice and thought, so don’t rush the process.

Conclusion: Successful Importing into Act CRM Classic

Tony successfully imported an additional 204 contacts into Act CRM Classic. By understanding the nature of the data and ensuring it’s lined up properly, you too can master this essential skill.

Importing Excel or CSV data into Act CRM Classic can be a smooth and efficient process with the right preparation and understanding. Tony Holowitz hopes this tutorial has provided the insights you need to succeed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

“Thank you very much. Have a great day. Bye now.” – Tony Holowitz.