Handheld Contact: Preferences and Settings Overview

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals


In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz provides an overview of the preferences and settings available in Handheld Contact, a powerful tool for managing contacts and calendar activities on mobile devices. While Tony acknowledges that he may not be an expert in all the settings, he shares valuable insights based on his experience with the software. Let’s dive into the various settings offered in Handheld Contact.

1. Account Settings: Managing Your Account

Under the “Account” section, users can view their account information, change it if needed, test the account, and log out. It’s essential to ensure that account details are up-to-date and accurate to ensure seamless synchronization between Handheld Contact and the desktop application.

2. Startup Screen: Customizing the First View

In the “Startup Screen” settings, users can choose their preferred initial view when opening Handheld Contact. Options include “Contacts First” and “Home.” Users can also sort contacts based on different criteria and add additional fields for a more tailored experience.

3. Tasks List: Personalizing Task Display

Similar to the calendar settings, the “Tasks List” section allows users to customize how they view task information, filter dates, and decide whether to show other users’ information in multi-user Act databases.

4. Calendar Preferences: Tailoring Calendar Display

The “Calendar” preferences offer options to view history and save text messages related to Act opportunities. Users can also add additional fields to the opportunity layout if needed.

5. Invoice and Quote Preferences: Customizing Invoices and Quotes

Invoice and quote preferences allow users to customize the layout of these documents by adding additional fields.

6. Scheduling Preferences: Configuring Default Scheduling

In this section, users can set default options for scheduling meetings, including priority, alarm ring times, and the contact with whom to schedule.

7. Synchronization Preferences: Optimizing Data Sync

The “Synchronization Preferences” feature includes options like “Auto Sync,” which should typically be left on for automatic background synchronization. “Show Reminder on Start Screen” helps users remember to synchronize manually when needed.

8. Device Data Summary and User Statistics: Viewing Information

The “Device Data Summary” provides insights into the data stored in Handheld Contact, while “User Statistics” presents additional usage information.

9. Map Preferences: Choosing a Preferred Map

Users can select between Apple Maps and Google Maps as their preferred navigation app within Handheld Contact.

10. Knowledgebase and Contact Support: Getting Help

The “Knowledgebase” provides a repository of helpful information and answers to common queries. Users can also contact support directly through the app for any assistance they may need.


Handheld Contact offers a range of preferences and settings to tailor the user experience and enhance contact management on mobile devices. By exploring these settings and customizing them to individual preferences, users can optimize their workflow and make the most of Handheld Contact’s functionalities. As Tony suggests, revisiting these settings periodically can lead to increased productivity and efficiency. Thank you for joining us for this overview, and we hope these insights help you navigate Handheld Contact with ease. Have a great day!