Handheld Contact: Mobile Radius Mapping Settings Part 2

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals


In this continuation of the mobile mapping tutorial in Handheld Contact, Tony Holowitz demonstrates how a radius search with an expanded range can yield more comprehensive results. By increasing the radius to 30 miles, users can explore a larger area and discover a wider array of contacts and appointments. Let’s explore the process and its benefits.

Expanding the Radius for a Comprehensive Search

In the previous tutorial, Tony showcased a radius search with a 5-mile range around St. Louis. However, this limited search did not yield many results. To provide a more extensive view, he now expands the radius to 30 miles, allowing for a broader coverage of the region.

Conducting the Expanded Radius Search

Tony initiates the search by clicking on “Search Nearby” and selecting the option for States. He chooses Missouri as the state for the search. By pressing “GO,” Handheld Contact pulls up all the contacts within a 30-mile radius from the specified location in St. Louis, Missouri.

Viewing the Results

The expanded search displays a comprehensive list of contacts surrounding the primary location. Each item shows the name of the company or contact, enabling users to quickly identify relevant entries. Additionally, users can tap on any contact to access further details, such as the contact’s information or directions to the location.


By expanding the radius for the mobile mapping search in Handheld Contact, users can explore a larger area and uncover a broader range of contacts, appointments, and meetings. This enhanced functionality allows professionals to efficiently manage their schedules and activities while on the move. Thank you for following this tutorial, and we hope this update provides a better understanding of the mobile radius mapping settings in Handheld Contact. Stay tuned for more valuable tips and features in upcoming tutorials!