Introduction: In this tutorial, we will delve deeper into ACT reports, exploring different ways to access and utilize them efficiently. We will...
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Handheld Contact API: Creating a Dynamic Group to Synchronize
Introduction: In this tutorial, we will explore the process of creating a dynamic group in ACT to synchronize all contacts seamlessly with Handheld...
Handheld Contact API: Synchronizes by Choosing a Group
Introduction: In this tutorial, we will explore how Handheld Contact API chooses which contacts to synchronize with your ACT database. The...
Handheld Contact API: Setup Part 2
Introduction: Welcome back to the second part of the Handheld Contact API setup tutorial. In this segment, we will walk you through the steps to...
Handheld Contact API: Map and Directions
Introduction: Handheld Contact API offers a seamless map and directions feature that allows users to easily find their contacts' addresses and get...
Handheld Contact API: Calendar
Introduction: Handheld Contact API offers a feature-rich calendar that enables users to manage their activities and appointments seamlessly. In this...