Act Reports Part 4: Saving Act Report as a Text File

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will explore the first step of importing complex reports from ACT into Microsoft Excel. Running a contact report with a large number of pages and saving it as a text file will be the initial process. This method allows users to extract data from ACT and prepare it for importation into Excel for further analysis and manipulation.

  1. Running the Complex Report:
  • Access the desired contact report in ACT.
  • Choose to run the report for all contacts, ensuring that it captures all the necessary data.
  • The report may take some time to generate, especially when dealing with a large number of contacts and pages.
  1. Saving the Report as a Text File:
  • Once the report is completed, click on the little disk icon in the top left corner to save the report.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Text File” as the file type for saving.
  • Choose a filename, such as “Contact Report 6812” to represent the date of the tutorial (or any preferred identifier).
  • Save the text file on the desktop or any desired location.
  1. Preparing for Import into Excel:
  • The text file contains all the data from the report, with each page representing a separate entry.
  • The text file is now ready to be imported into Microsoft Excel for further analysis and manipulation.
  • In the next tutorial, we will cover the process of importing the data from the text file into Excel.

Conclusion: In this tutorial, we completed the first step of importing complex reports from ACT into Microsoft Excel. By running the contact report and saving it as a text file, we have prepared the data for importation into Excel. This process allows for a seamless transition of data from ACT to Excel, where users can perform more in-depth analysis and utilize Excel’s powerful features for data manipulation. In the next tutorial, we will explore the second step of importing the data into Excel, enabling users to work with the information effectively. Stay tuned for the next part of this tutorial series! Thank you for joining us, and we hope you find this tutorial helpful in enhancing your reporting capabilities in ACT and Excel. Happy reporting and data analysis!