Act Reports Part 2: Viewing Reports, Printing and Saving as a File

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will delve deeper into ACT reports, exploring different ways to access and utilize them efficiently. We will cover two methods of accessing reports and demonstrate how to view, print, and save them as files. Additionally, we will discuss the process of exporting report data into Microsoft Excel for further analysis and manipulation.

  1. Accessing Reports:
  • Reports can be accessed from the toolbar by clicking on the “Reports” option.
  • Alternatively, you can find the reports in the sidebar by navigating to the “Reports” section.
  1. Making Reports Favorites:
  • In the sidebar, you can choose to mark certain reports as favorites for quicker access.
  • Simply click on the star icon next to a report to add it to your favorites list.
  1. Running Reports:
  • To run a report, select it from the reports list and click on “Run Report.”
  • You can choose to run the report for the current contact or for the current lookup, depending on your specific needs.
  1. Printing Reports:
  • After running a report, you have the option to print it directly.
  • If the report contains multiple pages, it will be paginated accordingly for printing.
  1. Saving Reports as Files:
  • Instead of printing, you can save the report as a file in different formats, such as PDF, rich text file, HTML, or text file.
  • Choose the desired file type and provide a filename for the saved report.
  1. Exporting Report Data to Excel:
  • If you prefer to work with the report data in Excel for further analysis or manipulation, there is a simple method to achieve this.
  • Run the report and save it as a text file.
  • Open Microsoft Excel, go to the “Data” tab, and select “From Text/CSV.”
  • Locate and open the saved text file and follow the prompts to import the data into Excel.
  • Excel will automatically parse the data into columns for easy data manipulation.

Conclusion: In this tutorial, we learned about two methods of accessing ACT reports: through the toolbar and the sidebar. We explored the options of running reports, printing them, and saving them as files in various formats. Furthermore, we demonstrated how to export report data to Microsoft Excel for further analysis and data manipulation. By utilizing these features, you can efficiently generate, manage, and utilize reports in ACT to enhance your productivity and decision-making processes. Thank you for joining us, and happy reporting!