Act Premium Cloud: Using Companies

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this insightful tutorial, Tony Holowitz delves into the functionalities of companies in ACT Premium Cloud. As an essential feature, companies serve as summary areas, summarizing information about a particular organization and its associated contacts. Tony elucidates the process of automating company creation, enabling users to link contacts belonging to the same organization automatically. With step-by-step instructions, Tony demonstrates how to leverage the power of companies to streamline data and improve efficiency in ACT Premium Cloud.

1. Understanding Companies in ACT Premium Cloud: Tony begins by introducing companies in ACT Premium Cloud, emphasizing that they serve as summary areas to consolidate information about organizations and their contacts. Companies provide a centralized view of activities, opportunities, history, notes, and documents associated with each contact belonging to the organization.

2. Automating Company Creation: To streamline the process, Tony showcases how to automate company creation in ACT Premium Cloud. By navigating to “Tools” and then “Preferences,” users can set the number of contacts required to create a company automatically. This automation eliminates the need for manual company creation and ensures data coherence.

3. Exploring Company Summary Area: Upon creating companies automatically, users can access the company summary area. Tony demonstrates that by clicking on the blue hyperlink of a company name, users can view all contacts associated with that organization. The company summary area provides a comprehensive overview of every contact’s details, activities, and notes within the organization.

4. Simplifying Data Management: With the company summary area, Tony highlights the convenience of accessing information related to an organization without searching through individual contacts. Users can efficiently find notes, activities, and opportunities associated with a specific company, streamlining data management and improving productivity.

5. Enhancing Organization Insights: Tony underscores that the company feature not only simplifies data access but also enhances insights into organizations. By knowing the number of contacts linked to a company through the blue hyperlink, users can gauge the organization’s scope and scale.

Conclusion: ACT Premium Cloud’s company feature provides users with a valuable tool for summarizing and managing information related to organizations and their contacts. By automating company creation and utilizing the company summary area, users can streamline data access, improve organization insights, and enhance overall efficiency. Tony Holowitz’s comprehensive tutorial equips ACT Premium Cloud users with the knowledge and skills to leverage companies effectively and optimize their database management experience.