Act Premium Cloud Search Box: a Google like Search inside of Act Premium Cloud

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: Welcome to this enlightening tutorial by Tony Holowitz on utilizing the powerful search capabilities of ACT Premium Cloud. Often, we encounter situations where we need to find specific information but are unsure of its location or depth in the database. ACT Premium Cloud offers a Google-like search tool that allows you to efficiently discover relevant information without navigating through multiple screens. Let’s delve into the details!

1. The Versatile Search Box: Tony Holowitz begins by introducing the search box, a user-friendly feature located at the top of the ACT Premium Cloud interface. Unlike traditional searches that require precise keywords, the search box enables you to explore data based on broad terms or phrases.

2. Searching for Names: Tony demonstrates a simple search by typing “John” into the search box. ACT Premium Cloud then scours the entire database for any instances of the name “John.” The search yields a list of people with the name “John,” allowing you to click on a specific result, such as “John Chance,” to access their contact information instantly.

3. Finding Specific Keywords: The search box isn’t limited to names; you can use it to find specific keywords or phrases as well. Tony illustrates this by searching for the term “meeting.” The search results display instances of the word “meeting” in activities and history records, providing quick access to relevant data.

4. Advanced Search Scenario: Tony Holowitz crafts a practical scenario to showcase the power of the ACT Premium Cloud search. He recalls a contact who owns a “zebra zoo” but can’t remember their name from a pool of 200 contacts. By searching for “zebra,” he quickly identifies Cindy as the contact with the unique occupation.

5. Making Notes for Efficient Recall: The search results also reveal that Tony made a note about Cindy’s “zebra zoo” occupation in her contact information. Utilizing notes can be a valuable practice for enhanced recall and easy access to specific details about your contacts.

Conclusion: The ACT Premium Cloud search box is a game-changer, providing a Google-like experience within the ACT platform. It empowers users to find information efficiently, even when the details are not precisely known. Tony Holowitz’s tutorial emphasizes the importance of utilizing the search box to its full potential, thereby boosting productivity and ensuring that valuable data is always at your fingertips.