Act Premium Cloud Contacts: List View and Detailed View: Part 3

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: Welcome back to Part 3 of our tutorial series on working with contacts in ACT Premium Cloud. In this session, Tony Holowitz will guide you through additional features of List View, demonstrating how to perform common actions for multiple contacts simultaneously. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to efficiently manage your contact database in ACT Premium Cloud.

  1. Scheduling a Telephone Call for Multiple Contacts:
  • To select multiple contacts, hold down the “Shift” key and click on the first and last contacts you want to include.
  • Click on the “Call” option to schedule a telephone call for the selected contacts.
  • Fill in the “Regarding” field with a description of the call, such as “Follow-up” and select the desired date and time for the call.
  • ACT Premium Cloud will schedule individual calls for all selected contacts.
  1. Creating a Note for Multiple Contacts:
  • To create a note for multiple contacts, click on the “Note” option.
  • By default, only one contact is selected in the “Contact” field. To include all selected contacts, click on the drop-down menu and choose “Current Lookup.”
  • Select all contacts by clicking on the double arrows to the right and then click “OK.”
  • Now, any note you enter will be added to the records of all the selected contacts.
  1. Sending an Email to Multiple Contacts:
  • To send an email to multiple contacts, click on the “Email” option.
  • ACT Premium Cloud will open Microsoft Outlook and automatically add all email addresses to the “To” field.
  • Instead of sending the email to all contacts directly, it’s recommended to use the “Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)” field to keep recipients’ email addresses private.
  • To do this, click somewhere to the right of the contacts’ email addresses, use the “Ctrl + A” keyboard shortcut to select all, and then use “Ctrl + X” to cut the addresses.
  • Finally, paste the email addresses into the “Bcc” field, ensuring that each recipient receives the email privately.
  1. Review of To-Do List Actions:
  • The To-Do list in List View includes options for Calls, Meetings, To-Dos, Notes, and Emails.
  • Each option automatically populates the appropriate fields with the selected contacts’ information.
  • Ensure to review the “To” field in the case of emails to protect recipients’ privacy by using the “Bcc” field.

Conclusion: In Part 3 of our ACT Premium Cloud Contacts tutorial, you’ve learned how to efficiently perform actions for multiple contacts using List View. Scheduling telephone calls, creating notes, and sending emails are powerful features that can save you time and improve your productivity. ACT Premium Cloud’s List View provides a centralized way to manage your contact database seamlessly. Stay tuned for more tutorials in our ACT Premium Cloud series. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!