Introduction: Welcome back to Part 2 of our tutorial series on working with contacts in ACT Premium Cloud. In this session, Tony Holowitz will guide you through selecting and manipulating contacts in List View, as well as demonstrating useful sorting techniques. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a better understanding of how to efficiently manage and navigate through your contact database in ACT Premium Cloud.
- Selecting Contacts in List View:
- In List View, you can quickly access contact information by clicking on the blue hyperlinks representing individual contacts.
- To select multiple contacts in a row, click on the first contact, hold down the “Shift” key, and click on the last contact you want to select. All contacts between the first and last selection will be highlighted.
- To select multiple contacts non-sequentially, hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on each desired contact individually.
- Use the “Lookup Selected” option to isolate and view only the selected contacts in List View.
- Detailed View of Selected Contacts:
- After selecting specific contacts, click on “Detailed View” to access comprehensive information about each selected contact.
- Use the right arrow key to navigate through the selected contacts and make necessary updates or actions.
- Customizing Columns and Resizing in List View:
- You can customize the columns displayed in List View to suit your preferences and hide unnecessary fields.
- Click on the “Customize Columns” icon on the right side of the screen to manage the displayed fields.
- Use the single arrow to add or remove fields from the List View, making it more focused on relevant data.
- Resize columns by hovering your pointer over the lines between column headings and clicking, holding, and dragging to the desired width.
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Browser and Zooming:
- Enhance your web browser view by using the “F11” key as a keyboard shortcut, providing more screen real estate.
- Zoom in on the content by holding the “Ctrl” key and pressing the “+” sign. Use “Ctrl -” to revert to the original size.
- Sorting Data in List View:
- Similar to Excel, you can sort contact data in List View by clicking on column headings.
- Click once on a column heading to sort the data in ascending order (A to Z or 1 to 9).
- Click on the same column heading a second time to reverse the sort order (Z to A or 9 to 1).
- Sorting data helps organize contacts alphabetically or numerically based on your preferences.
Conclusion: In Part 2 of our ACT Premium Cloud Contacts tutorial, you’ve learned essential contact management techniques. Selecting contacts, navigating between List View and Detailed View, customizing columns, and sorting data are all crucial skills that can enhance your workflow and efficiency in ACT Premium Cloud. We hope these tips will help you make the most of your contact database. Stay tuned for more tutorials in our ACT Premium Cloud series. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!