ACT is Full of Boolean

by | Aug 1, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals


Welcome to another enlightening ACT tip by Tony Holowitz from 365 ACT Tips and Tony the Teacher. In today’s tutorial, Tony delves into the world of Boolean search and demonstrates how to harness its power within ACT to uncover valuable information about your contacts. Whether it’s finding email addresses or gaining insights into individual contacts or companies, Boolean search can be a game-changer for your CRM experience.

1: Understanding Boolean Search and its Potential

Boolean search is a powerful technique that allows you to combine keywords and operators to refine and expand your search results. By utilizing Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), parentheses, and other symbols, you can create precise and intricate search queries.

2: Leveraging Social Networking Add-On by Durkin Computing

Tony briefly mentions the Social Networking add-on by Durkin Computing, which complements ACT’s capabilities. This add-on facilitates Google-based searches within ACT and provides valuable information about contacts, companies, and prospects.

3: Benefits of Using Boolean Search in ACT

  1. Thorough Prospect Research: Boolean search empowers you to delve into the backgrounds of your contacts and prospects. By Googling their names, email addresses, or company names, you can gather intelligence that enhances your understanding of them.

  2. Customization and Optimization: Tony emphasizes the importance of customizing search queries and settings. Boolean search allows you to modify your search criteria and build unique searches based on specific criteria.

  3. Enhanced Customer Insights: Conducting Boolean searches enables you to discover information that might not be readily available through conventional channels. By exploring social media profiles, professional memberships, or relevant lists, you can gain valuable insights into your contacts.

List: Steps to Conduct a Boolean Search in ACT

  1. Access the Social Networking add-on by Durkin Computing and integrate it with your ACT CRM.

  2. Familiarize yourself with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and other symbols for crafting precise search queries.

  3. Use the Google, Bing, or other search engine options within the add-on to perform Boolean searches based on contact information.

  4. Experiment with different search criteria and customizations to optimize your search results.

4: Potential Benefits and Caveats of Boolean Search

While Boolean search provides a treasure trove of valuable information, Tony also acknowledges the possibility of encountering sensitive or negative details about contacts. Caution and discretion are advised while using this search method.

5: Future Tutorials on Advanced Boolean Search Techniques

Tony teases upcoming tutorials where he will delve into more complex Boolean search techniques, allowing users to build intricate search queries to meet specific research needs.


By mastering Boolean search techniques within ACT, users can elevate their customer insights and gather valuable information about their contacts, prospects, and companies. The Social Networking add-on by Durkin Computing, combined with Boolean search, is a powerful tool for expanding your CRM capabilities and building stronger relationships with your clients.

Thank you for exploring this ACT tip, and stay tuned for more tutorials on advanced Boolean search techniques to enhance your CRM proficiency. With the right tools and techniques, ACT becomes a powerful asset for driving business success and fostering meaningful connections with your contacts.