Act CRM Universal Search Idea

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz addresses an issue faced by a client while using ACT CRM’s Universal Search feature. Universal Search allows users to quickly find relevant information within the CRM. However, some users encounter difficulties with this feature. Tony demonstrates how to efficiently utilize Universal Search while also presenting alternative methods for seamless data lookup.

Understanding Universal Search: Universal Search in ACT CRM is a powerful tool designed to simplify data retrieval. Located at the top right-hand corner of the screen, users can input search terms to find contacts, companies, opportunities, or other relevant information. However, some users have reported issues with this feature, leading to unexpected program closures.

Step 1: Troubleshooting Universal Search Issues When facing Universal Search problems, Tony suggests resetting the indices within ACT. This process requires technical support to ensure a smooth resolution. By re-indexing, the search function can regain its efficiency and accuracy.

Step 2: Utilizing the Lookup Option An alternative method to find specific data without using Universal Search is through the Lookup feature. Tony demonstrates how to perform a lookup for contacts with the first name “John.” Users can customize their lookups based on various fields such as first name, last name, or company, enhancing search precision.

Step 3: Leveraging Commonly Used Fields The Lookup option offers a list of commonly used fields that facilitate efficient data retrieval. Users can quickly find the information they need by selecting the appropriate field and entering relevant search criteria. Tony highlights that this method is often simpler and more effective than Universal Search for many users.

Step 4: Exploring Additional Fields For unique data requirements, the Lookup option also provides access to other fields not listed in the commonly used section. This gives users the flexibility to tailor their searches based on specific data fields relevant to their business needs.

Conclusion: Empowering Efficient Data Lookup Tony Holowitz’s tutorial provides valuable insights into ACT CRM’s Universal Search feature and offers troubleshooting solutions for potential issues. By utilizing the Lookup option, users can efficiently find information without relying solely on Universal Search. This knowledge empowers ACT CRM users to navigate their databases with ease and precision, enhancing productivity and ultimately improving customer interactions.