Act Cloud: Changing Your Time Zone

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz demonstrates how to change the time zone in Act Cloud’s calendar feature. Properly setting the time zone is crucial to ensure that appointments, tasks, and events are displayed and sent at the correct local time. Tony showcases how to navigate Act Cloud’s settings to adjust the time zone to match the user’s location accurately. Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on changing the time zone in Act Cloud.

  1. Navigating to the Time Zone Setting:
  • Tony begins by opening his Act Cloud calendar and points out the current time zone displayed, which is set to Greenwich Standard Time (GMT). He emphasizes the significance of setting the time zone correctly to avoid any discrepancies in appointment scheduling.
  1. Accessing the Time Zone Configuration:
  • To change the time zone, Tony clicks on the current time zone display, which opens a pop-up box with various time zone options. He proceeds to demonstrate how to find and select the desired time zone.
  1. Selecting the Correct Time Zone:
  • Tony looks for the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone, as he is located near Greater Boston. He scrolls through the list of time zones until he finds the correct one and clicks on it to apply the change.
  1. Confirming the Time Zone Change:
  • After selecting the Eastern Standard Time, Tony clicks “OK” to confirm the change. The time zone setting is now adjusted to reflect the user’s local time zone accurately.
  1. Ensuring Accurate Appointment Scheduling:
  • By setting the correct time zone in Act Cloud, all appointments, tasks, and events will be displayed and sent at the appropriate local time. This prevents any confusion or scheduling errors due to time zone differences.

Conclusion: In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz walks users through the simple process of changing the time zone in Act Cloud’s calendar feature. Properly setting the time zone is essential for accurate appointment scheduling and ensures that all events and tasks are displayed at the user’s local time. By following these straightforward steps, Act Cloud users can enhance their productivity and avoid any time-related issues. Thank you for watching this tutorial, and have a great day with Act Cloud!