Act and Dragon NaturallySpeaking

by | Aug 1, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Tony Holowitz here, and today I’m excited to discuss how Dragon NaturallySpeaking can enhance your experience with Act. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a powerful voice recognition software that allows you to dictate text and control various applications, including Act. In this tutorial, I’ll demonstrate how you can efficiently enter contact information and create notes using this fantastic tool. Let’s dive in!

  1. Introduction to Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a voice recognition software designed to convert your spoken words into text. It is compatible with various applications, making it a versatile tool for both personal and professional use.

  2. Dictating Contact Information: Entering contact information manually can be time-consuming, especially for those who prefer not to type extensively. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking, you can quickly dictate contact details into Act, saving valuable time and effort. Simply follow these steps: a. Click on “Contacts” in Act. b. Choose “New Contact.” c. Activate Dragon NaturallySpeaking by clicking on the red dot icon. d. Dictate the contact’s name, phone number, email address, and other relevant information. e. Click “Save,” and the contact will be added to your Act database seamlessly.

  3. Training Dragon NaturallySpeaking: To achieve the best results with Dragon NaturallySpeaking, training the software is essential. It allows the program to adapt to your speaking style and improves accuracy over time. Practice enunciating clearly and provide the software with a diverse range of speech patterns to optimize its performance.

  4. Creating Notes with Voice Dictation: Dragon NaturallySpeaking is not limited to data entry; you can also use it to create notes and record important information. Here’s how: a. Click on “Notes” in Act. b. Choose “New Note.” c. Activate Dragon NaturallySpeaking. d. Dictate the contents of the note, including the conversation details, action items, and follow-up plans. e. Click “Save,” and your note will be recorded in Act for future reference.

  5. Benefits for Act Users: Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking with Act offers several benefits, especially for those who prefer dictating over typing:

    • Improved efficiency: Data entry is quicker, reducing the time spent on manual typing.
    • Enhanced accuracy: As Dragon NaturallySpeaking learns your speech patterns, it becomes more accurate in transcribing your dictations.
    • Easier note-taking: Recording notes via voice dictation allows for better retention of critical information during meetings or client interactions.
    • User-friendly interface: Dragon NaturallySpeaking integrates seamlessly with Act, making it easy to switch between applications.

Conclusion: Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a valuable tool for Act users seeking a more efficient and hands-free way to input data and create notes. By harnessing the power of voice recognition, you can streamline your workflow and focus on more critical aspects of your business. Whether you’re a seasoned Act user or just starting, exploring Dragon NaturallySpeaking can significantly enhance your Act experience.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with Act or Dragon NaturallySpeaking, feel free to contact me at [Contact Information]. Thank you for reading, and I hope this tutorial proves helpful in optimizing your productivity!