Act recently released version 24. Typically, act comes out with a new version yearly, give or take a few months.
Original Post Date: 3-10-2017
Updated 9-26-21
After those versions are released they are continuously tweaking the software, and when they do they release updates and hotfixes. It can be confusing. This is not unique to just act, most software is updated routinely. Act just released an update: version 24.1. To learn more about what this update offers please visit this act Knowledgebase article:
For downloads of act’s newest version visit!-premium-v24.
What issues have been fixed in Act! updates?
. To learn more about Act software updates please visit the Act download center.
Here are a few thoughts and opinions about updating software; these thoughts are not just about act software, they are about software updates in general
- If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
- If you have multiple act users, ask before you update to ensure that everyone has the proper version
- Wait a little while for the update to get out to the general public and then install it
- If you have questions about new version updates and software specific updates, call me at 781-728-9777
- Do a reality check and ask yourself how the update is truly going to benefit you
- Sometimes, updates require more work than they are worth
- Sometimes they are really important and vital. Sometimes they can wait.
Act! Download Center: Use the link below to access available Act! product downloads, including hot fixes, updates, and documentation.
Visit the Source: Act! Download Center