Mining Data in Your Act CRM Database via Act Marketing Automation

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this informative tutorial, Tony Holowitz sheds light on the remarkable benefits of utilizing ACT Marketing Automation (AMA) to send emails from ACT. He emphasizes the value of mining data from the first email sent through AMA, which provides crucial insights into the email campaign’s success and the recipients’ engagement.

Getting Started with ACT Marketing Automation: Tony encourages users to embrace ACT Marketing Automation (AMA) as a powerful tool for managing email campaigns. He advises starting with a somewhat generic email that can be sent to a broad audience to gather valuable information about the campaign’s performance.

Analyzing AMA Campaign Results: Once the initial email is sent through AMA, it becomes a goldmine of data. Tony demonstrates how to utilize AMA’s “Groups” feature to create dynamic groups based on specific email campaign results, such as bounced emails. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a Dynamic Group: Access the “Groups” feature and create a dynamic group by clicking on “New Group” and selecting “Dynamic Group.” Name the group, e.g., “Bounced,” and click “Add/Remove Contacts.”

  2. Set Up Dynamic Criteria: Click on “Edit Criteria” and explore various criteria options. Tony highlights the “Campaign Results” section, which provides valuable insights about the email campaign’s performance.

  3. Identify Bounced Emails: Choose the “Bounce” option from the “Campaign Results” section and set the criteria to “Equal To” and “True.” This will automatically add contacts with bounced emails to the “Bounced” group.

Leveraging the Data: Tony emphasizes the significance of the data collected in the “Bounced” group. Analyzing this data allows users to take appropriate actions based on the recipients’ email statuses:

  • Review Contacts: For contacts with bounced emails, review their relevance and potential changes in contact information.
  • Customer Outreach: If a significant customer’s email bounces, consider reaching out to them using another communication channel to verify their status.
  • Valuable Insights: Data from AMA provides valuable insights into email opens, clicks, and engagement, helping users fine-tune their marketing strategies.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of ACT Marketing Automation: Tony Holowitz concludes by expressing his advocacy for ACT Marketing Automation as a valuable tool for data mining in ACT CRM databases. By using AMA, users can gather valuable information about their email campaigns and make data-driven decisions to enhance their marketing efforts.