Act Reports Part 5: Bringing an Act Report Text File into Excel

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will explore how to bring data from an ACT report, saved as a text file, into Microsoft Excel. Excel provides users with more flexibility and familiarity in manipulating and analyzing data, making it a preferred choice for many users. We will demonstrate two methods for importing the data: dragging and dropping the text file onto Excel and using the file open function.

Method 1: Drag and Drop the Text File onto Excel

  • Save the ACT report as a text file, ensuring all the necessary data is included.
  • Open a new Excel workbook.
  • Locate the text file and click, hold, and drag it onto cell A1 in the Excel workbook.
  • Excel will import the data from the text file, displaying all the information in separate rows and columns.
  • Although the initial layout may not be ideal, this method quickly brings the data into Excel for further manipulation.

Method 2: Using the File Open Function in Excel

  • Save the ACT report as a text file on your computer’s desktop or desired location.
  • Open a new Excel workbook.
  • Click on “File” in the Excel toolbar, then select “Open.”
  • By default, Excel looks for Excel files, so click on “All Files” or “Text Files” to locate the saved text file.
  • Select the text file and click “Open.”
  • Excel will display a wizard to help match up the data columns, allowing users to tailor the layout and organization of the data.

Conclusion: In this tutorial, we learned how to import data from an ACT report, saved as a text file, into Microsoft Excel. We demonstrated two methods: dragging and dropping the text file onto Excel and using the file open function. Although the initial layout may require some adjustment and alignment, importing the data into Excel allows users to leverage Excel’s familiar features and functionalities for data analysis and manipulation. Whether you prefer to work with ACT reports directly or transfer data to Excel for further processing, understanding these techniques will enhance your reporting capabilities and data management proficiency. We hope you find this tutorial helpful in integrating ACT and Excel for more efficient and insightful data handling. Thank you for joining us, and happy data analysis!