Handheld Contact API: Clearing an Activity

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: Handheld Contact API offers a user-friendly and efficient way to manage activities and schedules on mobile devices. In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz demonstrates how to clear scheduled activities in Handheld Contact API using both an iPhone and an iPad. Clearing activities helps users stay organized and keep track of completed tasks effectively.

  1. Clearing Activities on the iPhone: To clear an activity on the iPhone, follow these steps:
  • Tap on the activity you want to clear (e.g., “Test 1” phone call).
  • In the bottom left corner, locate the yellow “Reschedule” button.
  • Click on “Clear” to remove the activity.
  • Optionally, you can mark the activity as completed if the call was successful.
  • Click “Done” to confirm the action.
  1. Managing Activities on the iPad: Clearing activities on the iPad follows similar steps:
  • Tap on the activity you wish to clear (e.g., “Task 2”).
  • Find the “Clear” button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Choose the appropriate outcome (e.g., “Call completed”).
  • Click “Done” to finalize the clearing process.
  1. Best Practices for Clearing Activities:
  • Avoid erasing activities as this doesn’t create a new record. Instead, opt for clearing or rescheduling activities to maintain accurate data.
  • Utilize the “Follow-up” feature for tasks that require a future action, such as scheduling a call in a week.
  • Focus on recording the date and time of the activity, ensuring a comprehensive record of interactions with contacts.
  1. Syncing Changes: After clearing activities, it’s essential to sync the data on both devices for accurate and up-to-date information.
  • On the iPhone and iPad, tap the sync button to ensure changes are reflected across devices.

Conclusion: Clearing activities in Handheld Contact API is a simple and effective way to manage schedules and maintain organized interactions with contacts. By following Tony Holowitz’s tutorial, users can easily clear completed tasks and stay on top of their mobile CRM activities. With the convenience of syncing data between devices, Handheld Contact API ensures that users have access to the most current and accurate information, enhancing their productivity and efficiency in mobile CRM interactions.