Introduction: In this tutorial, Tony Holowitz explores the various options and settings available in Handheld Contact API, the latest version of Handheld Contact that offers seamless synchronization across multiple devices. From customizing startup screens to managing notifications and preferences, Tony takes users through the essential settings to optimize their mobile CRM experience.
Accessing the Settings: To access the settings in Handheld Contact API, tap on the three horizontal lines, often referred to as the “Hamburger” menu, located in the top left-hand corner. A dropdown menu will appear with the option “Settings.”
Startup Screen Options: Users can customize the initial screen they see upon opening Handheld Contact API. The available options include Dashboard, Calendar, Opportunities, Activities, and Contacts. For example, selecting the Dashboard as the startup screen provides users with a comprehensive overview of key data and activities.
Map Preferences: Handheld Contact API allows users to choose between Apple Maps and Google Maps for location-based functionalities. Users can select their preferred map service for an enhanced experience.
Contacts Settings: In the Contacts section, users can personalize how contact information is displayed. Options include choosing which contact extension to view, automatic insertion or waiting for dialing, and pausing during dialing.
Custom Share Setup: With Handheld Contact API, users can easily share contact information with colleagues. The custom share setup enables users to select specific contact details, such as mobile numbers or names, to share with others.
History and Text Messages: Handheld Contact API provides the option to send text messages directly from the iPad. Users can choose to save text messages related to a specific contact for future reference.
Scheduling and Preferences: Under Scheduling and Preferences, users can set default preferences for scheduling activities. This includes specifying the default activity type (e.g., meeting, call), priority, alarm time before the activity, and activity duration.
Sync Schedule: Users can set up the synchronization schedule to ensure their data remains up-to-date. Handheld Contact API offers auto-sync options at different time intervals, such as every 10 minutes, 1 hour, or manually.
Notifications and Alerts: Handheld Contact API allows users to enable daily alerts with customizable alert times. Users can set their preferred time for daily notifications, ensuring they stay informed about upcoming events and tasks.
Knowledgebase and Support: For assistance or questions, users can access the Knowledgebase section to find relevant answers. Additionally, they can contact the support team through email or an online form directly from the Handheld Contact API.
Conclusion: By exploring the settings and options available in Handheld Contact API, users can tailor the mobile CRM experience to their specific preferences and business needs. These customization features ensure a seamless and efficient workflow, enabling users to stay organized, connected, and productive on-the-go. Tony Holowitz’s tutorial provides valuable insights into leveraging Handheld Contact API’s capabilities to optimize mobile CRM interactions.