10 Act Contacts: Getting Acclimated to Act by Entering 10 Contacts

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Act CRM Software Fundamentals

Introduction: If you’re new to Act or have just started using Act in the cloud, this training session by Tony Holowitz will help you get acclimated to the software and understand how to effectively manage your contacts. Tony provides valuable insights and step-by-step instructions to ensure that no important contact slips through the cracks. By following his guidance, you can make the most of Act’s features and improve your sales and marketing efforts.

  1. Gather 10 Contacts:
  • Tony advises starting by gathering ten business cards or contact information of existing clients or prospects. These contacts will be used to practice entering data into Act and exploring its functionalities.
  1. Set Goals for Each Contact:
  • As you enter each contact into Act, think about your goals for each one. Consider whether you want to call, email, or set up a meeting with the person and keep this in mind during the next steps.
  1. Record Calls and Emails:
  • After entering a contact, take the initiative to call and email them. Tony suggests preparing two types of email templates—one for leaving a message and another for when you speak to the person directly. He recommends using tools like Template Phrases to simplify email composition.
  1. Utilize Banana Tag for Tracking:
  • To gain insights into the effectiveness of your emails, Tony suggests using Banana Tag. This service allows you to receive notifications when a contact opens your email or clicks on any links, providing valuable feedback on your communication efforts.
  1. Implement Activity History:
  • Use the History feature in Act to record each call and email sent. This way, you can keep track of your interactions and follow up with each contact effectively.
  1. Analyze Email and Call Data:
  • By utilizing different Act layouts, you can view additional information, such as email and call dates, in the Email and Call Reach fields. This data will help you prioritize your follow-ups and identify contacts that require attention.
  1. Long-term Contact Management:
  • As your contact list grows, Act’s tracking capabilities become even more valuable. You can use the information collected to stay organized, plan future interactions, and ensure that no important contact slips through the cracks.

Conclusion: Tony Holowitz’s Act Sales Training provides new users with essential tips and techniques to get acclimated to the software and effectively manage their contacts. By following the steps outlined in this training, you can optimize your sales and marketing efforts, stay on top of your interactions, and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects. Remember, Act is a powerful tool that tracks your actions and provides valuable insights for better contact management. Thank you for joining this training session, and we wish you success in your journey with Act! Have a great day!